
ePortfolio reduces risk and cost to deliver portfolios, giving key transparency on how each project and program is performing – no more sleepless nights


  • Saves time and money by serving as ‘single source of truth’; avoiding frustration and time spent on mastering how to handle ‘spreadsheets of spreadsheets’with typical versioning/reliability issues and ‘copy and paste’ late nights
  • Benefits from IDM’s ‘RADAR’ software engine provides real time transparency on how Program and Projects are progressing, eradicating‘rumour mill without the detail’and having to wait for next Steering Committee or formal Review for reporting everyone craves for
  • Saves time and money for PMO or any user on creating manual reports that can be simply extracted from tool automatically
  • Transparency reduces risk of overspend and overschedule and ‘grapefruit green’ covert reporting
  • Allows people to focus on clear program needs and not wasting time on administration/ duplicated effort


  • Can be used on a variety of programs and projects with similar or different milestones; for example Cloud Migrations from in-house server rooms, Telecom Transformations, Large Technology Refresh programs, Desktop upgrades and refresh, etc..or standard Application upgrade or Development projects
  • Customizable to your own project and business processes
  • Tool is supported by industry proven methodology

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Cuserstraat 93
1081 CN Amsterdam
The Netherlands

+31 341 453001


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